
Grocery retailers need to catch up to consumer expectations on mobile: stats

Adapting grocery retail for the mobile customer does present a number of challenges. 

As shopping habits change in line with the availability of better technology, faster connectivity, improved usability and the proliferation of responsive web design, the standard for what consumers consider a satisfying ecommerce experience on mobile is becoming a high one to match.

Savvy Marketing has recently published a report on the digital shopper landscape in which it surveys 1,000 consumers on their ecommerce habits.

It reveals the technology and functionality that shoppers expect retailers and brands to provide currently or in the very near future.

David Ogilvy’s 10 top tips for video scriptwriting

In September of 1982, David Ogilvy, often regarded as the father of modern advertising, sent an internal memo to the employees of his agency.

In it, he outlined 10 tips for great writing. While these tips aren’t specific to scriptwriting, they are certainly applicable.

His wisdom on the subject is timeless. 

20 fantastically helpful IFTTT recipes

Completely automate your online life and never have to lift a finger again…

IFTTT (‘if this then that’) is a tool that gives you the ability to connect a huge array of online applications together as one interconnected whole.

If an event happens (this) in one application, it will trigger an action (that) within another one. For instance, if every time you post an image on Instagram it can be automatically uploaded as a Tumblr post. If every time you are tagged in a photo on Facebook, it will automatically save the photo to your iOS Photos.

These connections between channels are called ‘recipes’. These recipes can be created by yourself, or you can browse through ones that other users have created on IFTTT.com itself. IFTTT is accessible on your desktop, can be downloaded as an app for the iPhone or Android and can also be integrated into your blogging platform.

For practical help and advice on setting up IFTTT check out what is IFTTT and how to use it?

There is an endless array of ‘recipes’ to make your life easier. Here are links to 20 recipes that either we recommend or that just look particularly awesome. 

#AmazonBasket: is it anything more than a gimmick?

Amazon has unveiled a new hashtag that allows shoppers to add items to their cart without leaving Twitter.

Known as #AmazonBasket in the UK and #AmazonCart in the US, it marks an interesting step forward in social commerce. But is it really that useful?

Before we answer that question, I thought I’d see how easy it was to setup and use the tool.

The first step is to register your Twitter account with Amazon, which is probably the fiddliest part of the process.

Once that is sorted users simply need to reply using the hashtag to any tweet that includes an Amazon product link.

What is IFTTT and why should you use it?

IFTTT (which is pronounced ‘ift’ as in ‘gift’) stands for ‘if this then that’. It’s a tool that gives you the ability to connect various, seemingly disparate, online applications together as one glorious interconnected whole.

‘If this then that’ component basically means: If an event happens (this) in one application, it will trigger an action (that) within another one.

AdWords scripts: a super-easy guide to the documentation

Welcome back to our Intro to AdWords scripts series where we will train you to automate your account management using scripts.

As you’ll have noticed in our earlier posts, we make frequent use of the AdWords scripts documentation, which is vitally important.

In this article we’ll go through an example script making effective use of the documentation, we’ll focus on the campaign selector and we’ll give you an AdWords pro tip.

Window shopping has gone virtual. Are you ready?

36% of the top 100 brand sites in the UK have not been optimised for mobile and yet we’re seeing window shopping going virtual.

So if your mobile site isn’t ready, you’re missing out on the first stage of the buying process.

Even if shoppers don’t trust their touch-screen devices enough to make the final purchase via a mobile connection, they are definitely using it to browse, share and fill up their baskets.

Woolworths South Africa: common sense social media with a small team

I attended Socialbakers’ Engage London 2014 conference and heard Sam Wilson, content strategy and social media head at Woolworths in South Africa, give some sage advice on social media management with a small team.

Sam’s small team of four predicates a need for teamwork and common sense decision making.

Here are some of the takeaways offering a reminder that good staff working on sound principles can make for an effective social presence.

How to rank for images and video in universal search

You don’t have to go far to find digital marketers wringing their hands over the growing invasion of Google’s universal features into the SERPs.

And can you blame them? In the search results for the query “rainbow” (shown below), there is a single standard organic result above the fold.

How to create videos that produce ROI

More than 1bn unique users visit YouTube each month and upwards of 6bn hours of video are watched each month on the site, almost an hour for every person on Earth. 

There are lots of gigantic numbers and impressive looking stats to look at with video content, but to many brands these figures don’t bear much relation to the eyes they’re seeing on their uploads.

Once you take away the cats and fails (and the cat fails), the viewing figures are often far from impressive. It’s not a case of film it and they will watch.