
How retailers are using social for Fashion Week

London Fashion Week kicked off on Friday and social marketing teams have gone into overdrive trying to produce content to keep their fans and followers in the loop.

The action on Twitter focuses around the hashtag #LFW, so being a fashionable guy I thought I’d check out how retailers are getting involved in the week’s events.

All the usual suspects have begun sharing relevant content, so here’s a quick run down of how different brands are using social to make the most of fashion week…

Eight useful tools for testing social marketing

The time and effort spent in coming up with creative, interesting social content is all for nought if Facebook posts and tweets are published at a time when nobody is listening.

Therefore marketers need to test and analyse their social activity to work out the most effective types of content as well as the optimum time of day to post updates. 

In a talk at Brighton SEO last week Moz director of community Jennifer Sable Lopez ran through a number of useful tools that can help marketers to test their social campaigns and content strategies, highlighting the best use cases for each one.

Here’s a quick run through of some of the tools Lopez recommended…

How bitesize videos are changing the way brands communicate

Who would have thought that the launch of micro video was going to revolutionise the way we think?

Less than 20 seconds of space is being filled with so many great and creative ideas, allowing good concepts to grow, and more importantly, allowing you and I to become part of them. 

The power of crowdsourced video projects is on the rise. Now more than ever we can see examples of campaigns that use video to tell stories that come to life through the involvement of an online community.

It was all given a kickstart with the launch of micro video (Vine and Instagram), which is now taking over the way we and brands communicate with one another. 

Have a look at how video is sneaking into our daily lives, where brands and society work together to create something that emphasises the role of creativity.

Email marketers focus on integration, automation and optimisation

While the number of channels for communicating with consumers has increased, email marketing remains an integral part of a brand’s digital offering.

The 2013 edition of the Email Marketing Platforms Buyer’s Guide documents a number of factors which have contributed to the email marketing industry’s sustained growth.

Email’s familiarity in the face of an ever-changing digital landscape and its pivotal position in multichannel campaigns makes it increasingly valuable to the modern marketer.

Can customers reset passwords on your mobile site?

Registration and accounts on ecommerce sites have plenty of pros and cons. On the one hand, they can be handy for retention and easy repeat purchases, but they can be a barrier. 

They can present a particular problem on mobile especially if shoppers have forgotten login details from previous purchases. 

To illustrate this point, here’s an example from the M&S mobile site, one which must be causing a number of abandoned purchases. 

Digital transformation: why losing control is the future

Last week I was lucky enough to attend our Digital Transformation: Innovation and Agility Breakfast Briefing, chewing the fat (and some very tasty sausages) with various digital leaders about the actual business implications of digital transformation

The conversation threw a fascinating light on the organisational challenges businesses are facing. While familiar concerns about technology were mentioned, the group was far more focussed on the day-to-day reality of implementation, looking at people and processes.

Here I’ve collated some of the major points. 

60% of businesses are integrating mobile into wider marketing activities: report

Six out of 10 businesses have a strategy for integrating mobile into their broader marketing campaigns, according to a new report into cross-channel marketing.

While this obviously means that 40% of businesses still haven’t come up with a coherent mobile strategy, it is an improvement on last year when just over half (51%) of businesses were yet to integrate mobile into their overall marketing campaigns.

This indicates that businesses are slowly moving in line with this significant consumer trend, though it’s worth noting that the number of respondents who said mobile was “very much” integrated remained fairly static at 15%.

The data comes from the new Econsultancy/Responsys Cross-Channel Marketing Report 2013 which contains a comprehensive analysis of the use of online and offline marketing channels, integration of display advertising and use of mobile for marketing.

How Macy’s uses Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+

Department store Macy’s is the latest brand to fall under the spotlight in our series of posts looking at how major brands use social media.

Since first embracing social back in 2010 Macy’s has made the channel central to its marketing efforts and has come up with some incredibly innovative campaigns in the past few years.

So, here’s a look at how Macy’s uses Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+. This article follows on from similar posts looking at Kroger, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and Walmart.

And to find out more about the creative process behind social marketing, come to Econsultancy’s Punch event where ‘Marketing meets Creative in the age of data and insight’. 

Curated by Creative Review, this event showcases the best of insight-driven creative. This event forms part of our week-long Festival of Marketing extravaganza.


Retail marketers: how to turn data into cash

Most retailer marketers are sitting on a mine of unused big data. This kicks off a series of how-to-guides for constructing agnostic strategies around big data for the purpose of improving conversion.

Big Data has saturated the news cycle in 2012. But what exactly is big data, who is using it and how can your brand apply it?

Q&A: Manchester City’s approach to digital marketing

We recently published a post praising Manchester City’s smart use of email, and we’ve followed this up by talking to the team behind the club’s digital marketing strategy. 

The team tweets as @mcfcgeeks, and is responsible for design and development of mobile and web platforms, as well as its social media presence. 

I interviewed Project Manager Jamie Nicholson and Social Media Executive Chris Nield…

Social video: you don’t have to ‘go viral’ to make an impact

When it comes to talking social video, the buzzword on most people’s lips is usually ‘viral.’ But viral and social video are two different breeds and naturally, so are viral and social marketing.

While a viral approach is about making a quick hit with content designed to become hugely popular over a short period, social video is about building an audience and establishing trust with that audience via word-of-mouth recommendations.