
Three steps to mobile marketing mastery

Mobile marketing involves much more than big budgets and a mobile-optimised website.

In particular, as social and location intelligence technologies mature, integrating marketing data from these sources in to the mobile marketing mix becomes incredibly important.

As brands build the sophistication of their mobile marketing efforts, there are three things brands should focus on getting right.

Five tips for brands acting like publishers

A lot has been written about brands as publishers. Let’s face it, to get it right requires planning, investment and the operational agility to react in real-time to breaking news as it happens.

However, the returns can be more than worth it, as a growing list of examples shows.

Becoming a ‘brand newsroom’ isn’t just a trend amongst the big companies either. Whilst there are plenty of big consumer brand examples, smaller brands, B2B companies, non-profits, and public sector organisations are also aligning their marketing and communications plans around content creation and social media.

If you are wondering if you should take the plunge, or have already jumped, the five tips below will help you get the most out of your strategy.

The Internet of Things: 10 things consumers should expect

Microsoft recently announced its newly branded Lab of Things. It describes this as ‘a flexible platform for experimental research that uses connected devices in homes.’

I thought I’d use this opportunity to look again at the rise of the connected device, and the future of the so-called internet of things, or IoT. Below you’ll see 10 things that you, the consumer, should expect over the next few years.

US consumers more likely to moan about brands on Twitter: study

The US and UK are said to be two nations divided by a common language, and it seems they are also divided by a common social network.

A new study by 360i has found that Twitter usage patterns vary greatly between the two nations, particularly when looking at what time of day people are active on the network and how they engage with brands.

For example, Twitter users in the UK are more likely to be active in the late morning and early afternoon, specifically between 10am and 1pm, while in the US people tend to be most engaged after 6pm.

New Apple software points the way in post-PC world

In the Post-PC era, designing to delight customers is the currency of persistent advantage. This intensifies competition to own user experience and valuable customer relationships through it.

Last week Apple updated Logic Pro X, its high-end audio software aimed at music professionals. A big part of its new coolness is that it comes with a free companion app which allows iPads to be remote input devices to the processor-intensive audio editing program.

This means you can play an instrument or work a mixing board control wirelessly across a studio or a venue, while your Mac runs the full Logic Pro software and processes the incoming signals.

Start Me Up! A profile of Set That

Social shopping is all the rage in our post-Pinterest world. Current industry darlings that combine a visual design with social and designers/merchants include Fab.com, The Fancy and Aha Life.

Meet new Aussie entrant Set That who want to become the next curation destination online where you can get paid to create and save sets of online products.

Stats and insight: The Russian digital landscape

Our new Russia Digital Market Landscape Report is the third in a series of trends briefings on the BRIC markets.

Like the Brazil and China editions released in 2012, this new report offers an overview for marketers and investors looking to Russia for new opportunities by bringing together direct input from those with knowledge of the market as well as a range of secondary sources.

There is much in this emerging market which is sure to appeal to marketers and investors…

Tap on the map? Maybe I was wrong about NFC

I recently wrote about mobile NFC being dead in the water. Since then a few dissenting voices have piped up. Understandably, some working in this area. 

One of the voices was Proxama’s. It runs TapPoint, which is a cloud-based SAAS. I spoke to the MD, Miles Quitmann, and he was refreshingly honest enough to turn my oil tanker of beef around and leave me excited about the possibilities of loyalty ‘on tap’. 

So here’s a summary of emerging possibilities for marketers, using the growing number of NFC enabled smartphones in the market.

Google enhanced campaigns: a migration checklist

Google’s automatic migration to enhanced campaigns is swiftly approaching on July 22, 2013. Any existing PPC campaigns will be automatically moved over to the new format. 

If you don’t implement a planned migration there’s a risk you could be wasting budget and not getting the most out of your search advertising.

For those advertisers who remain unsure: the essence of enhanced campaigns is that instead of advertisers having to duplicate their effort by managing multiple campaigns in order to target individual devices (desktops, tablets and smartphones), Google has introduced a streamlined format to manage multi device targeting within a single campaign.

A year on, how do the top 10 UK retailers use Pinterest?

Around this time last year I wrote a post looking at which of the top 10 UK retailers use Pinterest.

Back then Pinterest was the new kid on the block with bags of potential for building brand identity and driving sales.

To find out whether those brands have persisted with Pinterest or decided the grass is greener over on Google+, I’ve revisited the same retailers to see whether they still use the network and how their strategies have altered. 

The findings are below, but for more information on this topic check out our Pinterest for Business Report or our blog post on how the top 10 US retailers use Pinterest…

Australian businesses say lack of strategy is main barrier to co-ordinated marketing campaigns

Modern marketing professionals are all too aware of the need to implement a co-ordinated strategy across multiple channels, however there are a number of significant barriers that prevent this from becoming a reality.

Data included in our new Australian Cross-Channel Marketing Report, published in partnership with Experian Marketing Services, shows that 57% of Australian companies feel that a lack of strategy is the main barrier to implementing effective cross-channel marketing.

This was followed by a lack of knowledge (42%), lack of budget and poor interconnecting technology (both 38%).