
Digital Intelligence Briefing: 2018 Digital Trends for Creative and Design Leaders

The creativity at the end of the rainbow

When the dust settles on all the current activity around technology and data, what will be left?

Creativity is the answer. But let us wind back a little.

Creativity is one of the core elements of our Modern Marketing Manifesto. It says “we believe we need creativity just as much as we need technology”.

However, most of the energy and activity currently is directed towards data and technology. 

Brands face up to key mobile optimisation decisions

Ahead of the Apple App Store’s fifth birthday next month, some brands are beginning to seriously weigh up the benefits of investing in a dedicated app versus optimising their existing sites for mobile.

Choosing the most viable mobile strategy is now a major element in most businesses’ plans, and this is the key message emerging from the Mobile Experience Trends Briefing, which we recently launched with Econsultancy.

Google’s Enhanced Campaigns: what we’ve learned from migration

With less than a month to go before the Enhanced Campaigns (EC) migration deadline, we’re starting to hear more and more about the impact of the biggest change to AdWords in years.

Both Adobe and iProspect have reported in the last few weeks that they’ve seen CPC (Cost per Click) increases of 6% and 9% respectively and yet a lot of companies still seem to be in the dark on the impact this will have on their bottom line and whether they can do anything to soften the blow.

Here at Confused.com, we have a number of PPC (Pay-Per-Click) accounts split between being managed in-house and via agencies and bid management tools.

We haven’t migrated everything yet, but here are some things we’ve learnt across the way…. 

Four great examples of brands using Instagram to break free of the browser

The expectations of brands on social media are getting higher. This is leading to businesses having to turn away from traditional approaches and create more engaging and interactive experiences, with crowd-sourcing of content becoming a favourite method.

With 40% of people responding better to visual information than text alone, it is not a surprise to see brands diving in to experience the hype of the photo-sharing app, Instagram.

And there are brands who not only aim to discover the joys of Instagram through traditional engagement and networking, but by creating immersive and innovative campaigns.

What are the opportunities and challenges for agencies in 2013?

Last week Econsultancy published its Top 100 Digital Agencies Report, detailing the who’s who of those in the digital marketing industry.

While many of the names are similar, the emergence of new players indicates that the market is still undergoing continuous disruption as consumer behaviour changes and agencies race to keep ahead of technological change.

To explore some of these issues, we asked Sitecore CEO Michael Seifert for his opinion on the opportunities and challenges for agencies in the coming year. His answers are below…

Five great social media campaigns and their metrics

For the last month we’ve been bringing you some exciting campaigns and creative, shortlisted for The Digitals 2013.

Here are five more, from the social media category.

I’ve included some of the hard results of the work, as so often our readers are interested in the numbers involved. Enjoy!

Are companies merging the digital and physical customer experience?

Digital technology, and particularly the growth of mobile provides many opportunities for brands to integrate the physical world with digital.

This could be providing information about offline locations, opening hours, optimising for mobile search, or offering reserve and collect services. 

According to our Reducing Customer Struggle 2013 report, produced in association with IBM Tealeaf, just under two thirds of respondents are including information on offline locations, contact details and opening hours on their websites.

I’ve been looking at the stats, as well as some examples of how brands are doing this… 

This week’s finest digital marketing infographic

It’s Friday and that means it’s time for us to trawl our inboxes to pluck out the finest infographic we’ve seen this week.

This week’s comes from Quicksprout and contains some useful tips on getting more retweets on Twitter

Twitter is a great medium for sharing links to your content and driving traffic, but it’s not enough to simply publish content and hope for the best.

To maximise your chances of gaining retweets and clicks you need to know when to tweet and how often. And don’t forget to leave room for retweets… 

Five ways to create marketing worth sharing

Don Draper has left the building is an announcement bound to dismay any woman with a pulse, but it should hearten marketers.

That’s because Don Draper represents the old school of marketing, said Tom Fishburne, CEO of Marketoon Studios, at Integrated Marketing Week earlier this month.

In the Draper model, marketers decided what the brand stood for and what its strategy was. Every touch point with the customer was controlled.

Today those touch points have exploded and marketers have far less control, said Fishburne. To succeed in such an environment, we need to create marketing worth sharing, he continued, outlining five guiding principles.

Using two major Google tools for better client management

We know client management needs to be flawless. With a myriad of software out there to help manage clients, we’re capable of overlooking some of the strongest platforms.  

Google offers free, intuitive tools that can be tweaked to keep you on point with all your clients.  

Best of all, you’re probably using them right now.

17% of searches for flights are mobile, but are the travel sites?

Consumers made a total of 3.2m online searches for flights last month, and more than 17% of these were made on mobiles, which highlights the need for travel firms to optimise their sites. 

According to stats from Greenlight, ‘Cheap flights’ was the most popular term searched for on Google UK, accounting for 17% of all flight searches, and 20% of all searches made on mobile. 

So are the travel sites ranking for these terms optimising for mobile? Using the term ‘cheap flights’, I’ve been checking the top ten results…