
Organic posts are most popular social tactic but paid ads are more successful: report

Despite the marketing potential that exists in social networks there has always been an element of doubt over the efficacy of buying social ads.

Some of the most convincing arguments against social ads are that people don’t want to be sold to while they’re socialising and that you can’t always trust the validity of personal data on networks like Facebook.

In fact our own head of social Matt Owen recently blogged about the problems he encountered with gauging the success of Promoted Posts due to poor targeting tools and fake profiles.

But a new report from Kenshoo shows that although organic posts (such as maintaining a branded Facebook page) are the most popular social tactic, paid ads actually proved to be the most successful approach.

Report: Loyalty programs don’t always breed loyalty in Australia

Australian consumers buy more from retailers with loyalty programs, and are more likely to choose a brand with a loyalty program, but this doesn’t mean they will be more loyal, according to a new report. 

The For love or money? 2013 consumer study into Australian loyalty programs report, commissioned by strategic marketing company Directivity and digital agency Citrus, surveyed over 1,000 consumers in February 2013 to see how Australians feel towards loyalty programs. 

And, the findings highlighted that while loyalty programs definitely influence buyer behaviour, they don’t always equal customer loyalty. 

Magazines move Australian readers online

Magazine readership in Australia may be falling, but magazines still have a powerful presence online if the #MagsMoveMe initiative is anything to go by.

On the 1st May, Bauer Media Australia, Pacific Magazines and News Life Media launched a social media campaign to encourage readers to share how magazines had moved and inspired them over the years.

Australian Twitter users have a genuine interest in brands

A new report has revealed that Australian Twitter users follow brands in order to keep up to date with new products, rather than score freebies or discounts. 

ExactTarget’s 2013 Executive Summary collates the results from surveying 8,276 consumers across Australia, Brazil, France, Germany and the UK, and looks at the motivations behind why and how users interact with brands online. 

How Appliances Online went from 2,500 to 1m Facebook fans in just two years

Online electrical retailer Appliances Online (now rebranded as AO) has seen impressive growth on its Facebook page, recently hitting the milestone of 1m likes. 

According to AO, it is also making Facebook sell, something not all retailers have managed to do

It has seen a 60% in branded search traffic, which has led to a 58% uplift in sales driven by brand terms. 

To find out the secrets behind this growth, I’ve been asking AO Social Media Manager Yossi Erdman…

How to hold a great Google+ on-air Hangout

https://assets.econsultancy.com/images/resized/0003/3473/16-blog-thumb.pngIn the run-up to our Integrated Marketing Week event in New York on June 10th, we’ve been holding a series of Video Expert panels over on our Google+ page.

As with any barely tested, slightly-wobbly video technology, we’ve had a couple of hiccups along the way.

Fortunately we’ve learned from our mistakes, and now you can too. Here’s how to use the new look Google+ to hold a great On Air hangout…

Australian consumers ignore targeted marketing

It seems Australian consumers are losing patience with targeted, yet unwanted, marketing and advertising, both online and off.

A new government report has found that 1 in 2 consumers received an uninvited telemarketing call in the past six months, and a further 9 in 10 consumers said these telemarketing calls were a problem.

How should publishers respond to link removal requests?

Thanks again to Panda, Penguin etc, it seems many webmasters are panicking about links they have obtained in the past, or have been pulled up by Google as a result of over-zealous link building. 

As a result, we are receiving many more link removal requests than we ever used to, ten or so in the past couple of months. 

To be frank, these requests are annoying, and I’m also a little put out that they see this blog as a risk to them. Chris Lake touched upon this recently and, as he says, ‘a lot of folks seem to have a bad case of The Fear’. 

I thought it was worth exploring this issue in more detail, so I’ve asked a few SEO experts for their views… 

How BMW uses Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+

Over the past few months I’ve been looking at how different global brands make use of the main social networks, but so far I’ve neglected the auto industry.

I’ve rectified that this week by turning the spotlight on BMW, which as it turns out has a surprisingly strong Facebook presence.

This post follows on from similar articles focusing on brands such as Coca-Cola, Nike, Red Bull, Microsoft and Ikea.

And without further ado, here’s a quick look at how BMW uses Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+…

Why does mobile out-perform desktop on this ecommerce site?

I had an interesting email from an ecommerce site owner in Texas over the weekend, wondering why mobile outperforms desktop on his site for conversion rates. 

The site in question is discgolfstation.com, and owner Clint Henderson tells me that mobile conversion rates are twice that of desktop, which is obviously unusual. 

While the mobile site isn’t bad at all, it seems the problem is down to poor desktop performance. 

Here, I’ll suggest some possible reasons, but it would be great to see what suggestions you have for improvements as well…