
Creating content of integrity in the age of the customer

The content marketing landscapeThe combination of understanding the modern day purchase funnel and facilitating a comprehensive content marketing strategy is the key to building brand loyalty in the age of the customer.

Being heard in the noisy age of the customer equals engagement opportunity, and engagement leads to conversion.

Marketers want various goals out of a content marketing strategy, such as; awareness, retention, acquisition and lead generation, but all digital roads lead to Rome and Rome is revenue. So what is there to understand and where do we start?

What do shoppers actually want from a mobile experience?

Much has been said about mobile over the years. Every marketer, brand manager or head of multichannel knows that it’s key to capturing customers on the move. 

Over the years, retailers in particular have been developing and re-developing their mobile channels in an attempt to provide as quick and seamless an experience as possible.

But what is it that shoppers actually want from a mobile experience?

Once every six months we ask a group of shoppers to assess a selection of the top rated retail apps and mobile sites on the market, telling us what they like and what they don’t like throughout the mobile shopping customer journey.

Rockin’ Robin: Twitter’s busy week

The social media blue birds have been working hard this week and it has resulted in: Twitter #music and keyword targeting for advertisers. 

These new services are proof positive that Twitter fully intends to grow into a formidable channel for both users and businesses as they look for new ways to collect consumer information while coupling that with ways to monetize in a less intrusive way.

Report: Desktop use in Australia continues to fall

A new report has revealed that not only do Australians read more news than their American and British counterparts but all three countries are spending less time interacting socially on their desktops.

Experian Marketing Services recently discovered that the proportion of online desktop time spent on social media has dropped across many countries, including Australia where usage fell to 24% in 2012, down from 27% the year prior.

Report: Australian companies need to rethink social plans

A new report has revealed that 7 out of 10 Australian businesses are using social media to deliver customer service, but only 3 in 10 customers are looking to interact via these platforms.

The adoption of social media by businesses is not new, in fact having an online presence is now the norm with even small businesses jumping on board, but a new study highlights that there is quite a large disconnect in Australia between how consumers use social media and what businesses expect from them.

10 charities and how they use Facebook

Last week I looked at 10 charities that are using Pinterest as a way of promoting their causes and raising awareness of the work they do.

To continue the theme, this post looks at 10 charities and how they use Facebook for the same purposes.

One of the tricky issues for charities is that they often deal with difficult or upsetting issues, so it’s hard to find content that people will want to ‘like’.

The way round this is to focus on the positive side of what they do, such as fundraising and helping those in need.

If there are any charities that have successful or interesting Facebook pages that I haven’t mentioned, please point them out in the comments section…

Social Media Strategy Best Practice Guide

70+ epic social media case studies, stats, blog posts and more

Social mediaAt Econsultancy, we publish a huge amount of content related to digital marketing and ecommerce. One particular area that gets a lot of attention (and rightly so) is social media, which has had a profound impact on the way that consumers and businesses interact with each other.

To help you keep up to speed with what’s going on in the field, we’ve assembled some of our case studies, statistics, infographics, opinion and best practice blog content all in one place for you to digest at your leisure. You could even bookmark and share this page to add to your ninja toolset.

And if you’re going to be applying for one of the social media jobs advertised on our digital marketing jobs board, these posts will help you brush up and look smart.

Read below for more…

The wider impact of Facebook Home

Facebook’s announcement  of ‘Facebook Home‘ has the potential to change the smartphone landscape.

It has produced a Facebook Phone without the added complication of designing and building hardware. Its potential reach has implications for us all.

This is a clever move. In a time where hardware companies are trying to build software (Apple) and software companies are trying to build hardware (Microsoft, Google) we have a company who is aware of who they are.

Australian kids turn to apps in record numbers

If you’re a marketer trying to target and engage the younger generation it looks like interactive mobile and tablet apps are the way to go, as Australian children are using apps more than game consoles these days, with figures doubling in the past 18 months. 

The latest 2013 Cartoon Network survey, which looked at the media habits of 1800 children, has revealed that almost 7 in 10 children between the ages of four and 14 now use apps, which is two times the figure from the 2011 survey. 

It’s time to do away with a project focused view of the web

Are you about to launch yet another web redesign project? If so, think again.

One of the reasons organisational websites fester and decay is because companies are good at projects and poor at iteration.

Most organisations like to think in terms of clearly defined projects. In many ways this makes a lot of sense. Projects are easily quantifiable in terms of the budget, resources and time involved. It is easier to find budget and resources for finite projects rather than ongoing investment.

This is why redesign projects are so common within web design. Organisations love them because they have a clearly defined scope and provide an easily identified deliverable.

In short, for specific investment you can see a tangible change.

Multi-screening trends in the UK

A recent study by Fast Web Media has yielded some interesting insights into multi-screening trends in the UK.

The report looks at 50 different UK brands and analyses their most recent 2013 TV adverts to see who is encouraging multi-screening. One ad per brand was watched and inclusions of URLs and/or any reference to social networks was recorded.

What is multi-screening? You can be said to be multi-screening when you are using more than one device (screen) at the same time.

For example, if you’re watching a live sports event on TV and you’re checking Twitter at the same time (like I was last weekend) then you are multi-screening.