
Produce content for sales and branding

Two main things highlight a successful business online: attracting more visitors and engaging your audience.

Content is everywhere. It is not just limited to one industry, you need content to promote all kinds of products or services and to improvise a business online.

Content marketing is a clear pitch for branding as it directly deals with the audience, answer questions, clear their concepts or misconceptions and find an ideal way to show the brand presence.

From share to sale: is social commerce worth the investment?

The social media gold rush is well underway and many retailers are still weighing up how best to approach social commerce.

With new tools being launched every month and audiences continue to grow social commerce is a tempting prospect for retailers but what sort of return can brands expect to see on their investment?

In this post, I’ll explore the prospects of social retail and how retailers can capitalise on sharing.

Is The Telegraph’s metered paywall a good idea?

Yesterday, the Telegraph announced the introduction of  a ‘metered paywall’ which allows visitors to read up to 20 articles before having to subscribe for more.

There are two options: a ‘web pack’ which allows access to the website and content via apps at £1.99 per month, and a ‘digital pack’ which adds tablet access and loyalty club membership at £9.99 per month. 

But can a paywall ever be a good idea for a general news site like The Telegraph though? And how will it affect the newspaper in terms of SEO and traffic to its ecommerce pages? 

12 essential PPC landing page success factors

Landing pages are an integral part of paid search. Effective pages mean you convert more visitors to the outcomes you need and in quality-score based search engines they make your ad more competitive.

Securing the click is only the start of the conversion journey. The quality of the user journey after the click will determine your ability to convert paid search traffic into desired outcomes.

A common mistake in paid search programmes is for the focus to be entirely on keyword targeting and CPC management, ignoring the vital role that landing page optimisation plays in converting visits into actions.

I’m referring to PPC landing pages here, as some of these tips are taken from our PPC Best Practice Guide, but many of these factors apply equally to email and other landing pages…

The end of channels: how digital experiences trump shiny objects

Digital tools now reach across companies (from sales to support) and across the entire customer experience. This span is making running digital channels as silos increasingly costly and difficult to scale.

Organizations that seek to rationalize operations, use data effectively, and personalize smart experiences for clients need alignment around a digital experience plan.

This is the first of a series of posts on why digital experience planning has become a strategic priority of a growing tribe of digital leaders.

Report: Australians on Facebook ‘like’ TV and retail

It seems Australians are in love with giant bananas, television, food and shopping when it comes to Facebook, with the Bananas in Pyjamas Facebook page reigning in an impressive 2,032,296 fans during February 2013.

This number is almost double that of the second favourite Australian Facebook Page, Bubble O’Bill Ice Creams, which showed off a fan base of 1,272,089. Pringles Australia was just slightly behind with 1,259,733 fans, according to the latest Australian Facebook Performance report.

Are the top 20 UK online retailers bothered about Google+?

According to a recent report three quarters of the worlds top brands have Google+ pages, with a combined following of more than 20 million fans.

This is a massive 9,400% increase since December 2011 when only 222,000 people followed them collectively.

But while writing a recent series of posts looking at how some of the world’s top brands use social I noticed that the amount of effort put into their G+ pages massively varies, while user interaction with content and posts is almost non-existent.

So to find out whether this is a common theme, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at how the UK’s top 20 online retailers use G+ and the levels of engagement that they achieve.

Just to clarify, this post isn’t about the SEO benefits of G+ or the potential for +1s to become more important in future, it’s an evaluation of how brands use G+ and how their fans respond…

UK’s online gambling sector worth £2bn in 2012: stats

Sports, and especially ‘in-play’, betting is leading the growth in the UK’s online gambling market, with the sector worth more than £2bn in 2012. 

For example, football betting has grown by 69% during 2011 to 2012, making it the second most lucrative, after horse racing. 

Stickeyes has released a report on the sector, which looks at the top 50 keywords driving online search, and which brands are cleaning up.

Here are a few highlights from the study… 

What are the pros and cons of Enhanced Campaigns so far?

It has been a few months since Google introduced its Enhanced Campaigns, which gave marketers a new way of managing their paid search campaigns.

The focus of the change is to enable advertisers to target people at the right time, in the right place, with the right advert and call-to-action. Effectively, the structuring of Adwords campaigns is becoming device independent, removing the ability to have specific mobile, tablet or desktop targeted campaigns.

Up to now PPC managers have had the choice of whether or not they want to switch over to the new system, although the change will become compulsory in a few months.

To find out how the Enhanced Campaigns are impacting the process of managing paid search, I asked four PPC experts to give us some insight into what they’d noticed so far…

Northern lights on search and social: Bing, Google, Twitter and Dell at #RIMC13

For Game of Thrones fans Iceland provided the beautiful background for one of the most unique conference experiences ever. 

Today, many of the leading experts on search and social gather to share content and insight at the Reykjavik Internet Marketing Conference (RIMC).

Thought leaders and industry experts from across the Globe talk us through “Seven search Kingdoms” that help make up the online marketing space in 2013: Search, SEO, Social, Content, Mobile, Local and Video. 

The conference organized by Kristjan Mar Hauksson and Nordic Emarketing is a two-day boot camp with great speakers and fantastic content focusing on search and social. 

Brands from across the globe gather to share insight and the epic list includes speakers from Bing, Google, Dell, Twitter, AOL, Spotify, SAP and iCrossing. 

Econsultancy’s very own Ashley Friedlein has spoken in the past at RIMC as it now marks its 10th anniversary!

I asked the experts on their top tips for managing search and social in 2013….

QR codes: the good, the bad and the ugly

Over the past couple of years, QR codes have cropped up everywhere from billboards to ketchup bottles, and have become a must-have gimmick for some marketers. 

At our Digital Cream event this week, I was discussing QR and mobile marketing with Mark Brill, who had been moderating the mobile roundtable. 

The upshot is that, when used well, QR codes can be a useful tactic for marketers, when used badly they’re utterly pointless. 

Mark showed me some excellent examples of QR codes, good and bad, from his Pinterest page.

Here is a selection of those….