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Is your agency part of the Top 100?

The new media age Top 100 Agencies Report has always been one of the highlights of the digital calendar, and following the merger with Econsultancy we’re happy to say that it’s back and better than ever!

The report is a who’s who of the digital industry, detailing all the big agencies you need to know and some of the work that helped to build their success.

And here’s how you can get involved…

How far should programmatic marketing go?

There is a rise in ‘machine marketing’ underway. This is most evident in digital marketing, where algorithms and automation can help create efficiencies across campaigns.

But how far should marketers rely on programmatic marketing as part of the mix?

Congratulations to our second #TheDigitals superstar of the week: @DanBarker


It’s been a riotous week on #TheDigitals leaderboard, with nefarious ReTweet covenants being struck, random hashtagging explosions and even a bit of cold hard cash being thrown around as various parties try their best to scale to the dizzy heights of superstar of the week! 

In the end though there can be only one, so this week we’re congratulating web and online marketing whizz (and occasional Econsultancy guest blogger) Dan Barker – Well done Dan! 

Pay-for-performance for agencies: perfect arrangement or bad idea?

There’s a long history behind how agencies are compensated for their efforts, but that doesn’t mean that everybody is satisfied with agency compensation.

At one time, agencies were typically paid a commission. Clients didn’t like that. Today they’re generally paid by the hour, something that both agencies and clients alike find reason to complain about.

The shift from the PC to mobile and tablet is real: study

For countless companies active online, the ever-increasing importance of mobile is no surprise. It’s seen every day in the growing amount of traffic their websites receive from users on mobile and tablet devices.

The big question: what activities previously performed on the PC are being shifted to these devices?

How the other half markets: three lessons for luxury retailers in 2013

The posh set may still lord their smart handbags, pricey silks, and Ibiza getaways over the masses in the offline world, but in digital it’s a different story.

Online, luxury retailers struggle to keep up with the Kmarts and J.Crews of the world. In fact, according to a recent study by L2, one in five luxury brands still lack ecommerce capability, and 30 percent of them have yet to incorporate basic site search. 

45% of companies aren’t conducting UX testing: report

It seems a lot of companies are happy to work on ‘hunches’ and best guesses when it comes to user experience, with 45% not conducting any UX testing at the moment. 

However, of these companies, the majority have begun to see the light, with 73% planning to start testing in the next 12 months. 

Our User Experience Survey Report 2013, produced in association with WhatUsersDo, surveyed more than 1,400 digital and ecommerce professionals. 

Here are a few highlights from the survey… 

This week’s top six infographics

Once again we round up six of the best infographics we’ve seen this week.

The topics include how brands use Twitter, local search, internet security, the biggest moments in social media in 2012, and the state of viewable impressions.

Top 100 brands see huge growth in Google+ and YouTube in 2012

It’s not surprising that Google+ adoption has increased over the past year as Google has integrated the social platform with all its services and YouTube is on the rise as more brands are offering video as part of their content and marketing strategies. But what are the big brands doing?

This morning BrightEdge released their latest Social Share report focusing on social media adoption trends of the top 100 global brands. This quarter, they are focusing on Google with the latest on Google+ and YouTube.

What do Google’s new AdWords Enhanced Campaigns mean for marketers?

Yesterday evening Google published a blog post that unveiled Enhanced Campaigns – one of the biggest changes to AdWords in years.

It means that advertisers will be able to target people based on the time of day, their location and the device they are using.

The idea is to simplify AdWords by allowing users to manage their campaigns in one place, but it also means that advertisers no longer have the ability to run mobile-only campaigns.

To find out more about the new Enhanced Campaigns, I asked several search experts for their views…

Research: Where will Australian marketing dollars be spent during 2013?

The recent State of Digital in Australia 2013 report, produced by Econsultancy and Marketing Magazine, has revealed some interesting stats around the use of offline and online marketing channels and highlights which online channels marketers are planning to spend the big dollars on this year. 

Notably, the report also shows how companies are planning to dedicate more of their budget and time towards digital. 

Yahoo turns to Google for ads: sign of a new friendship?

When Yahoo recruited Marissa Mayer from Google to replace interim CEO Ross Levinsohn, some suggested that Mayer’s departure from Google was an indication that she had reached her limit for advancement at the search giant, and that her role at Google was actually not as important as it might have seemed.

Whether the rumors about Mayer’s status at Google were accurate or not, one thing was certain: Yahoo was placing a huge bet on the 30-something executive, one that might have been the last such bet it could make.