
10 ways to create a great content campaign

I know a lot of people who are great marketers, but when blogging they often worry that they don’t have something which is important or unique enough to share online.

Normally this is at the risk that someone may have said something similar before.

That makes sense in a lot of ways and it is a valid concern which I admit to thinking myself when creating new content, or speaking at an event. Of course you always want to impress by telling people something they don’t know.

Smartphone owners more likely to read emails than make calls: stats

Smartphone owners are more likely to use their device for email than for making phone calls, according to new research by Adobe.

The 2013 Digital Publishing Report, which surveyed 1,003 18-54 year olds, found that 79% of smartphone owners use their device for email compared to 78% who use it for making phone calls.

This serves to further underline the importance of optimising email campaigns for smartphones. 

We’ve previously reported on data which shows that up to a third of emails are opened on mobile devices, yet data included in our Email Marketing Census reveals that 39% of businesses have no strategy in place for mobile optimisation and a further 37% said their strategy was ‘basic’.

Adobe’s report found that Facebook is the third most popular smartphone activity (58%), followed by listening to music (52%) and playing games (48%).

The end of Instagram? New TOS go into effect Saturday

Instagram became a worldwide cultural phenomenon, mainly by being first to market with a cool idea: a photo sharing app with built in filters and a social platform for sharing.

Now its days may be numbered as the Facebook acquisition and new terms of service make it extremely uncool to the digitally hip.

We used a Twtpoll to ask how many of you will bail on the service after the changes go into effect Saturday. It was a very limited sample size, but the results are still interesting.

26% of US shoppers were ‘showrooming’ this Christmas

A new survey from Econsultancy highlights the growing importance of mobile for holiday shoppers, with 26% using their phones to compare prices and check reviews when in bricks and mortar stores.

Our Toluna powered Christmas 2012 US Online Shopping Survey asked 1,000 online consumers about their research and purchase behaviour. 

Topics covered include the use of mobile, shipping issues and the further shift to online shopping. 

Here are some key stats from the survey… 

Facebook’s Graph Search: what does it mean for marketers?

For everyone in the digital marketing industry, the big news of the day is the launch of Facebook’s new Graph Search.

In a nutshell, the new tool allows you to search for people, pages, businesses and other services based on the information shared by other Facebook users.

Dodgy name aside, it’s an exciting announcement that might cause a few worried conversations at Google.

But what are the opportunities for marketers, and is it going to kick off a new race to drive up the number of ‘likes’ for brand pages?

To shed a bit of light on some of the key issues, I asked several search and social media experts for their views…

Why Facebook’s ‘Graph Search’ Is a gamechanger

Facebook, of all platforms, has revolutionized search as we know it. Yesterday, Facebook announced ‘Graph Search’, a new feature that helps us find people, places and things—and explore Facebook in a whole new way.

‘Graph Search’ pushes Facebook well beyond the social networking realm. It’s a place to socialize and manage connections.

Eliminate the newsfeed, the goofy photos, snarky comments, and over-use of the ‘Like Button’, and it’s all about connections.

Now, smart search will allow us to traverse connections, allow us to sort connections, and allow us to connect with a greater amount of people in different types of ways.

Early thoughts on what Facebook’s Graph Search means for SEO

Now there’s one thing you can be certain of whenever there’s a new launch from Facebook there’s going to be a huge amount of speculation about what it means for digital marketers; but now they’ve made a stab at launching a search engine – there will be even more than usual.

First, let’s get the biggest caveat out the way, I’ve not used the search functionality yet, I’m on the beta waiting list, along with thousands of others, but I have poured over all the write ups including this excellent write up of the story behind by Steven Levy, which I think even tops his great piece about the launch of Google Plus. 

Despite that lack of practical experience of the new functionality, for the last couple of years I’ve thrown myself into understanding the Edgerank Algorithm, aka the rules that decide what appears in your newsfeed and come from a search marketing background. 

Paid search CPCs increased by 30% in 2012: report

Christmas proved to be expensive for UK retail paid search marketers, as average CPCs increased by a third (30%) peaking at around £0.35.

According to a new report from Kenshoo, the rise was partly fuelled by a 27% increase in ad budgets compared to 2011.

There were predictable spikes in search spend at the beginning of December as retailers tried to cash in on the consumer rush to buy gifts in time for Christmas.

40% of shoppers used reserve and collect over Christmas: stats

New ecommerce stats highlight the growing importance of reserve and collect services, with 40% of UK consumers using such services over Christmas. 

Econsultancy’s Christmas 2012 Online Shopping Survey, produced using Toluna’s online survey tool, polled 1,000 UK and 1,000 US online consumers on their shopping habits. 

It looks at attitudes to online delivery, use of mobiles and tablets for shopping, and the role of the web in the research and purchase process. It was conducted online, so we can assume that respondents are reasonably tech-savvy. 

Some highlights from the survey after the jump…

The Atlantic’s Scientology advertorial shows the risks of native ads

With advertisers set to pour more and more money into native ads, 2013 could be a great year for well-positioned publishers.

But publishers looking at native ads as a solution to ad blockers and paltry display CPMs should tread carefully.

Native ads aren’t a panacea and the premiums advertisers may be willing to pay for them shouldn’t distract from the fact that native ads can be risky ads.

Woolworths and Wesfarmers become top-20 global retailers, as digital remains front of mind

Two Australian retailers have made it onto a list of the top-20 global retailers, showing that despite the current economic situation, some businesses are still thriving.

Both Woolworths and Wesfarmers made it on to Deloitte’s Top-250 retailers list, which was released in their 16th annual Global Powers of Retailing report. Ranked 17 and 18 respectively, they were the only Australian companies to have the required $3.5bn turnover needed to make the cut.