Connected TV

A day in the life of… Damon Westbury, Interim Managing Director for EBX

Damon Westbury is Interim MD at European Broadcaster Exchange (EBX), a joint venture founded by some of Europe’s largest TV broadcasters (including Channel 4) to address the demand for brand-safe environments and high-quality online video campaigns. Westbury joined EBX from Clear Channel and has previously held roles at Microsoft. He tells us: “After starting my […]

Twitter’s plan to rule both first and second screens

Twitter’s purchase of social television analytics firm Bluefin Labs, its largest purchase to date, reveals both its interest in connecting the viewers of media, and in gaining some of the revenue currently headed to television advertising.

Though its business model may have seemed quixotic in its early days, Twitter is building a potential case as the network able to reach people based on their most immediate interests.

Is Twitter transforming the way we watch TV?

Social media monitoring company Brandwatch has recently undertaken a study to unveil how Twitter is transforming the way we watch TV.  

The study, which analysed Twitter conversation during 50 of the top UK and US TV shows has highlighted a number of key TV ‘dual screen’ behaviours.

It has outlined the TV shows are taking full advantage of their Twitter presence in order to grow and retain a loyal customer following.

17 digital marketing and ecommerce trends for 2013 by Econsultancy CEO Ashley Friedlein

Following are my personal thoughts on what will be interesting and important in the world of digital marketing and ecommerce for 2013. As is traditional for my trends, there are around seventeen of them.

I haven’t spent too much time on giving extensive justification for any of these; they are based largely on the many conversations I have with industry influencers and practitioners.

Many are really just notes, or bullet points, but I’ve tried to give links to further information if you want to delve deeper. They are in no particular order though I’ve started with the more ‘strategic’ stuff.

As ever, I’d be very interested to hear your thoughts, or feel free to post a link to your own trends or predictions. 

How the internet changed Christmas

The internet has become so integral to our everyday lives that even the most old-fashioned items on the Christmas ‘to do’ list have now been transformed. 

So it’s true that in some situations, we actually can’t live without technology, but metaphorically speaking, could you have survived Christmas without it?

Here’s my top 10 ways in which the internet changed Christmas in 2012: