
Best Practices for Managing Email Deliverability

The key to maximising deliverability is to check for potential delivery issues before broadcast. Senders who use in-house systems must ensure that their mail server is configured to minimise deliverability problems and that any potential issues are reviewed after every campaign. This chapter looks at several best practices for managing these processes. Test deliverability using […]

Factors Influencing Email Deliverability

Email deliverability, though a shared responsibility between email and IT teams, should be of particular concern to marketers, as it directly impacts a business’s ability to achieve its objectives for customer engagement and revenue. This chapter looks at the factors affecting email deliverability and how they work. Email deliverability: An overview Email deliverability covers the […]

10 minute read

Maintaining Email List Quality

Having established a permission-first approach to email address acquisition, it is then key to ensure the data is correct and to provide customers with customisation options to discourage unsubscribes and spam complaints. This helps to maintain the list quality. This chapter looks at how this can be achieved. Establishing a system for data correction At […]

11 minute read

Email List Growth and Address Acquisition

Best practice for sustainable growth of email lists acknowledges the benefits of cultivating a list of high-quality subscribers over a longer period. This chapter looks at the permission-first approach to acquiring email addresses, and how to optimise the opt-in process for potential subscribers. List growth: An overview Email lists can be grown in one of […]

15 minute read

Email List Quality and Why It Matters

Email list quality and acquisition have both changed considerably since the inception of email marketing, with marketers coming to understand that a smaller, more engaged list of subscribers can be just as valuable, if not more so, than a larger list of unengaged subscribers. This chapter looks at the meaning and importance of list quality […]

7 minute read

List Quality and Deliverability in Email Marketing: A Summary

To see their email marketing programmes succeed, email marketers have to solve two problems. They must (a) continually add new, high-quality email addresses to their databases to make their programmes grow while replacing addresses that have been removed from unsubscribes and complaints – this is maintaining list quality – and they must (b) work harder […]

2 minute read

Setting Up an Effective Email Testing Programme

Holistic testing is designed to reveal more about customer motivations and the ‘whys’ behind successful campaigns.  It can be implemented as a framework that imparts both a testing structure and a method for applying the results generated from those tests. This chapter discusses how to set up an email testing programme based on this approach. […]

10 minute read

Approaches to Email Testing

Advances in technology, particularly at the email service provider (ESP) level, should mean that testing becomes more widespread and more affordable. The creation, launch and adoption of AI-based testing tools has also been a major factor in giving marketers more control over the testing process, including allowing direct access to testing and results. Different attributes […]

16 minute read

A Framework for Email Testing

Email testing is both art and science. Creative thinking helps drive the possibilities for testing, but science ensures that the results will be reliable and repeatable. It relies on a formal structure that identifies a problem, develops a framework to address it, follows a strict procedure that eliminates chance, error or bias, and delivers results […]

5 minute read

The Importance of Email Testing

The ability to optimise easily is one of email’s greatest advantages over other marketing channels. Marketers that routinely send messages to their subscription lists have regular opportunities to test and optimise. This allows for continuous improvement. Testing programmes Testing can be conducted on all types of messages, including promotional campaigns, newsletters or updates to whole […]

5 minute read

Testing and Optimisation for Email Marketing: A Summary

An optimised email programme will generate more revenue and build greater engagement. It will add to the company’s understanding of its customers, making the channel an even more valuable resource, worthy of greater investment. Testing is the most common method of optimisation. Many email service providers now include basic testing modules in their platforms, which […]

2 minute read

Email Design Testing and Optimisation

Any strategy for an email programme should include the regular testing of master templates and individual design components to ensure that they render successfully across a variety of email clients and devices. This chapter discusses the benefits of pre-deployment testing and looks at how AMP for Email could impact email design. Design render and pre-deployment […]

6 minute read