Digital transformation

The Future of Agility and Innovation in Practice

It is clear from the interviews conducted for this research that there is a real opportunity for marketing teams and organisations to drive greater efficiency, responsiveness and customer value from implementing agile ways of working. However, it is also clear that organisations need to take account of their own contexts when defining how to transition […]

4 minute read

Challenges in Applying Agility in Marketing and Innovation

The ability to be agile requires organisations to make strategic, operational and cultural changes. This chapter provides a guide to overcoming some of the most common barriers to agility, and how to make space for innovation within an organisation. Understanding barriers to agility The introduction and scaling of agile ways of working is its own […]

11 minute read

Agility in Marketing, Ecommerce and Innovation

In the context of rapidly changing environments, many marketing teams are seeking to augment existing capability with much greater levels of adaptability, responsiveness and customer centricity. The chapter outlines where the opportunities to apply agile methods are, plus key considerations for structuring and resourcing teams. What is agile marketing? Building on an original definition of […]

12 minute read

The Agile Innovation Imperative

Organisations that understand the need to be agile and innovative have a significant advantage over their competitors for reasons that will become clear in this chapter. This section of the research explores what it means to be agile and innovative, and some of the key enablers of success. Rapid change and the need for greater […]

11 minute read

Digital Transformation: A Summary

This research is designed to provide marketers and innovation practitioners with practical guidance and advice on how to apply key principles and behaviours that sit at the heart of agile ways of working in order to support innovation and experimentation as well as greater organisational and team agility. With societal, market, competitive and customer contexts […]

2 minute read

B2B Transformation in Practice

The increased demand for digital products and services from B2B customers has created a huge opportunity for B2B companies. To make the most of the opportunity, companies will need to nurture the right vision and culture in order to transform the business. They will need to continually work to improve the customer experience and support […]

5 minute read

People, Skills and Hiring for B2B Digital Transformation

This research highlights the numerous ways data and technology can enhance B2B digital transformation. Equally importantly, though, are the people and teams responsible for making it happen. People and skills The importance of considering the human capability side of transformation and innovation projects was emphasised by many of the experts interviewed for Econsultancy’s Future of […]

7 minute read