Guy Reason

About Guy Reason

Emotion: The elephant in the room for marketers?

Imagine that you are standing in the beer aisle in a supermarket. You want to pick a lager among a whole range of similar looking brands.

One name stands out to you. You may remember drinking it when you went to Croatia that summer. You drank beer at the beach. You had an amazing time. Nothing ever tasted better and more refreshing.

This may be an active memory and you actually picture yourself at the beach. More often than not, you’d already have put the six pack into your basket, not knowing why you picked it over the others.

A flawless, rational decision or one driven by how you felt?

Neuromarketing is dead. Long live neuromarketing

neuromarketing brain

Somewhere around 2009, neuromarketing arrived in the public conscious with a tidal wave of enthusiasm.

However, three years down the line, the waters have receded and people are gradually coming round to the realisation that neuromarketing is never going to deliver on its sensational promises of mind reading and unearthing the buy button.

Neuromarketing 1.0 failed because it promised too much…