ben potter

Ben Potter

About Ben Potter

After 15 years ‘on the front line’, Ben helps agencies to approach business development with purpose and confidence. He empowers business developers and account managers to win and retain the ‘right’ clients, whilst providing agency owners with peace of mind that they’re doing enough of the right things, consistently well, to grow their business.

As well as his work with agencies, he delivers training at the world’s biggest digital conference, BrightonSEO, and has been acknowledged as one of the UK’s most influential business developers in the BD100.

Do agencies really need a ‘purpose’?

For agency owners, 2020 has been a mixed bag at best. But now that the worst is (hopefully) behind us and agencies are turning their attention to addressing important issues like positioning, Ben Potter takes a hard look at the nebulous concept of agency ‘purpose’ – and whether it’s really needed at all.


Agency positioning – what does good look like?

Towards the end of last year, I explored how the same tired words and phrases are regurgitated and recycled by agencies, to the point where they have become pretty much meaningless. Yes, I was the one that ripped your agency proposition to shreds. Sorry about that.

Why your agency’s value proposition probably sucks (and what to do about it)

A while back, I shared 10 guiding principles to help small digital agencies win more business. The pop-pickers amongst you would have noticed that ‘proposition me’ came in at number two. 

A relevant, compelling and credible value proposition is very much the foundation of a successful business development strategy, so let’s spend some time taking a closer look at what it is, why it’s important and how to go about creating one.