
Measuring the Effectiveness of Paid Search Integration

Being able to measure the performance and effectiveness of integrated marketing campaigns that combine paid search with other channels is essential for gaining an understanding of what worked, and what can be improved in future campaigns. This chapter looks at what measures to use and the toolkits, such as Google Analytics, that can help. Measuring […]

9 minute read

Click Fraud Strategy for Paid Search

A fundamental part of paid search is the utilisation of data, and so being able to trust the numbers is crucial when it comes to reporting for optimisation purposes. Click fraud describes any clicks that are not generated by normal users interacting with ads. Such clicks can also be described as fraudulent traffic. The major […]

12 minute read
wooden head with questions marks

Innovation: Four flawed assumptions to avoid

This article is adapted from a section of Econsultancy’s Innovation Best Practice Guide, written by Steffan Aquarone. The guide presents a set of simple, practical ideas, and Aquarone takes the word ‘innovation’ itself to mean ‘finding ways of doing things differently’. Flawed assumptions to avoid when innovating – the premise of this article is pretty self-explanatory, […]

Social Media Strategy: A Checklist

The purpose of this guide is to ensure that organisations fully understand the scope, opportunities, risks and the required investment of time, effort and budget to create a sustainable and effective social media strategy. This chapter outlines the key steps for marketers looking to create and launch a social media strategy that is right for […]

4 minute read

Measurement in Social Media

There is the very real danger of option paralysis when measuring social media. The sheer amount of data that is available from the platforms for organic posts and paid advertising can be overwhelming. As the number of social platforms increases and alternative metrics are created for newer content formats and ad formats, this problem is […]

27 minute read

Aligning Social with Content Strategy

For those organisations that have not clearly defined their content strategy, social media will continue to be a place where content is published with limited focus, and therefore, limited success. This chapter looks at how brands can achieve campaign goals by defining a focus for their content, before summarising the legal considerations marketers in social […]

10 minute read

Activity Planning in Social Media

When planning social media activities, bear in mind that the activity should mirror any strategic element of the business. Many organisations use existing marketing and communications planning processes to develop their social media activity. This chapter looks at the ten steps brands should take to develop their social media activity, from research and planning through […]

19 minute read

Organising Resources for Social Media

So far, this guide has outlined the many ways social media can be transformative for brands, but what exactly does it take to get a social strategy up and running? This chapter summarises the resources, policies and processes brands should have in place to thrive on social media. People, policies, processes and practice Developing an […]

23 minute read

Approaches to Social Listening

With social listening, marketers can manage risk, uphold brand reputation and create content that better resonates with the audience. This chapter outlines the key considerations for marketers engaging in social listening. Reputation and risk management Social media has had a huge impact on brand and organisational communications and has led to a total transformation of […]

21 minute read

Communication Strategies for Social Media

A company’s approach to social media will depend on many factors, including the sector it operates within and its objectives. This chapter looks at the different ways businesses can reach their audiences, whether taking a global, local or blended approach is best, and the pitfalls to avoid. Social media communication strategies The experts interviewed for […]

15 minute read

A Broad Planning Framework for a Social Media Strategy

If social media is to be part of a communications, marketing, customer experience/customer service, and increasingly a sales and ecommerce strategy, then it makes sense for an organisation to approach social media strategy with organisational, brand, communications, servicing, digital and commercial aims, objectives and measures in mind. This chapter lays out a framework for planning […]

6 minute read